Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

Child “Ear”-ing in the Keitai Age

While some parents have a tough time navigating their cell phone for writing e-mails to their children, the children who grew up with cell phone will become parents themselves before long. Then, the cell phone will be used within families more commonly and frequently....

An Exploration of Corporate Storytelling Practice

Heard the one about the role of storytelling in knowledge management? Many of today’s most respected businesses and thought leaders are transporting this age-old practice from around the watercooler directly into the repositories of intellectual capital. Moral...


Get it and retrieve headlines and summaries from over 5,700 news sources in 25 languages. Related articles Were You a Google Reader Power User? Try Newsdesk. (moreover.com) Newsdesk Feature Spotlight: Companies and People in Newsletters (moreover.com) Guardian’s...

“Chicago” is 15!

Now featuring coverage of electronic publishing as well as a grammar and usage chapter all its own, the Chicago Manual of Style is in its 15th edition. Buy it. Read it. Mind the gaps. Perhaps most importantly, remember to (as Linda Halvorson, chief editor, puts it)...