Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

This is not a linkblog. I trust you’ve got more to do with your time than blindly clicking without the courtesy of context (there’s an inverted platitude in there somewhere around what we’re all doing, but again tick tick…).

I’ve been curious of late regarding what a day’s round-up says about me, though. Right now. Today. Curious enough to take a snapshot, to begin an archive—and Google Reader makes it just so easy. I considered not even linking the headlines.

That’s not the point. Rather, what you see here is the Internet filtered first by my Exposure to date, then by my Investment via RSS, an arbitrary and evolving attempt at Categorization, and a loosely scheduled Audit of accumulated feeds—all of which I then subject to the limitations of allotted Time and the often-brutal felicities of my Mood in the moment. All told, the equation reads:

(Int)(Exp)(Inv)(Cat)(Aud)(Tim)(Moo) = Val

where Val represents anything worth consumption (tick tick). So have a look at what I’ve dug up today. Or don’t. It’s my blog. Again, these are now small parts of my biography as much as anyone else’s.

If you click on more than a few, then we have similar arcs and you should friend me. Otherwise, you can mark this as read and move on with my compliments.