Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

Lytebox was written from the Lightbox class that Lokesh Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com) originally wrote. The purpose was to write a self-contained object that eliminated the dependency of prototype.js, effects.js, and scriptaculous.js. Since the original version of Lytebox (which released with iFrame support), major modifications have been made to improve performance as well as “Slideshow” support, “Themes” support, HTML content support (as opposed to just images) and many more configurable options that allow you to customize the look and feel of Lytebox. Lytebox Message Boards and let it be known!//–>

Ever click a link and an image or video pops up in a slick little window while the originating page darkens behind it? That’s this. (At least this is that….)