Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

One of the interesting side effects of the pervasiveness of technology today is that work in general is becoming so digital that it sometimes completely disappears from sight. By this I mean it’s trapped within our e-mail systems, IT systems, Web applications, SaaS, cloud services, document management tools, and so on. Thus the hard work we put into creating knowledge often isn’t as collaborative, sharable, or discoverable as it should be.

Another fantastic thought piece from the man stealing my best work before I have the chance to articulate it in my own mind.

And while there are plenty of E2.0 catch-phrases floating around out there, the concept of open work and the graphic accompanying Hinchcliffe’s post are simple enough for the most jaded to wrap their minds around.

Of course appropriate technology and governance are still essential components (I maintain that individual acts of sharing, like recycling, must be easier for the actor than the old ways).