Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

About Me (archive)

17769d1Hello. I’m Dan. I design communication for companies. And sometimes I write things.

The contents of my blog are my own thoughts and observations—codified and organized to help me better think through problems, remember solutions, and maybe even help others experiencing the same issues in their work. I keep it all here mostly because I’m short on space between my ears.

Having at one time set the right wheels in motion, my wifeApril and I are witnessing our three boys—Alex, Adam, and Max —seemingly raise themselves. By night I am an accomplished percussionist, performing one or two songs each with several popular classic rock, metal, and new wave virtual cover bands—and I proudly play XBox hardware. I’ve been known to feed upwards of 20 times in a single week.

Enterprise Software Providers

Much of my career has been in the enterprise application software space. It is a highly-competitive environment, and I try to follow the moves of its major players, in terms of their general market direction, their perspectives on collaboration among users, and their responses to the phenomenon that is social computing.

The opinions expressed on this blog are mine alone and do not represent the views of my employer or any other company mentioned. My cave. My fire.

Enterprise Apps Today
Enterprise Irregulars
Social Enterprise Today
The Brainyard
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Content Strategy

Much of the excellent work I see being done today in the field called Content Strategy focuses on large consumer-facing web sites. I concentrate on those aspects of the philosophy, tools, and technology that can be made applicable to a firewalled corporate environment.

Generally, those who posess useful knowledge and expertise in companies are not the best at presenting and maintaining it. Breaking down the disconnects between strategic thinking and effective online communication is a core focus of my work.

Enterprise Social Patterns

I’ve accumulated insights over the years between innovative trends in the consumer web space and the often-lagging tools companies employ to run their businesses. Here I’m not talking about big ERP, but those “standard image” tools like word processors, spreadsheet, and e-mail that lock users into a way of collaborating, and thus a way of thinking. I believe successful companies today will remain that way by marrying a sound content strategy with measured adoption of social tools.

Connect with Me

Blogging. I’ve been blogging intermittantly since 2003 on a variety of topics professional and personal, with current writings tending toward sales ernablement, content strategy, and SharePoint. You can also read more “About Me”.

Social. I’m active on Twitter @danielbpatton and am a fairly open LinkedIn networker. I’m ramping on Google+ and Quora. I maintain a profile on Facebook, though I tend to refer folks to my other haunts. My farm failed and I’m bitter. I keep a phone book on Plaxo, though I spend little time there. Should I spend more?

Books. I have an overlarge (for me) collection of books. Mostly nonfiction–with a few classics, po-mo, and science fiction thrown in. As part of my “to the cloud” spasm of last year, I moved from a dead-end local database to Goodreads. Serves. I’m not social there, but I am open to the idea. If you’re on, look me up.

Photos. My Picasa albums aren’t much. Mostly Blackberry camera pics of family in unguarded moments, and other assorted weirdness. Should I decide to pick up the camera again, perhaps I’ll spend some more time on Flickr. Until then, I’m good.

Music. I’ve been active on Last.fm of late. Scrobbling iTunes and iPod is groovy. If I find something of interest, sometimes I’ll Blip it–but that’s not often (and never without editorial). Oh, I also maintain an export of my iTunes library. I’ve been called eclectic, sophisticated, schizophrenic. I also get a lot of “David.”