Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

Lit and Woe

John Kilgore of Eastern Illinois University writes in The Vocabula Review (subscription required) of the aversion many students have of sitting in a classroom reviewing works of poetry, and the equally potent aversion teachers have to presiding over same. One salient...

Hey man, was that a bring-down?

The totalitarian message is being transmitted while you’re zoned out in front of the television watching the feelies, high on soma—which is some combination of Prozac and Budweiser. John Perry Barlow, at MotherJones.com

Kcentrix for KM

Kcentrix Software is releasing a Kit for automating corporate knowledge processes. “Through a series of targeted questions the user is guided to the appropriate answer and is provided with the associated forms and documents.” Sounds early, but such a...