Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

IT organizations have 11 major choices today when it comes to technology-assisted communication and collaboration. Some are old and boring, like the phone and fax, while others — like telepresence rooms — make you feel like a Jetson….

IT teams need to assess each based on whether they support six critical integration points, three interoperability benchmarks, and three user requirements. View this as a checklist for success — or a harbinger of the troubles ahead if they’re ignored. And they all start with email.

Thorough and actionable, if not slightly mistitled. Like Harmon.ie’s entire business model, Healey asserts Enterprise 2.0 solutions will not succeed if corporations must quit email cold turkey.

By integrating into email — the corporate go-to for communication, document exchange, even task management — your chosen E2.0 solution can offer each individual users choices at the point of transaction for how they’ll choose to complete their work.

The more efficient methods will naturally, organically emerge. Peer pressure and the very nature of collaborative tools will combine to spread best practices virally.