by danielbpatton | Aug 16, 2011 | #fun
via Great addition to his CV. I’m a huge fan of David Brooks — he’s sort of a Bizarro-Colmes on PBS. Always smiling, always cool with his big-tent analysis. Now I know where he gets his material. Related articles David Brooks and the Mind of Edward Snowden...
by danielbpatton | Aug 11, 2011 | #fun
Our ever more sophisticated arsenal of stars and thumbs will eventually serve to curtail serendipity, adventure, and idiotic floundering. But more immediate is the simple problem of contamination. When the voices of hundreds of strangers, or even just three shrill...
by danielbpatton | Aug 5, 2003 | #fun
Having already missed Pioneer Day myself—you know, the day of “the most organized and disciplined westward migration in American history” when Brigham Young led a four-month exodus from points east to the land of sun and salt (July 24th, 1847)—don’t let this and other...