Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

Neil Perlin, from “Perfect vs. Good Enough”—Writing Quality in the Online Age:

I got a call from a dot-com looking for a “content provider.” It was the first time I’d ever heard that title so I laughed and said, “So you’re looking for a writer?” I was taken aback when the caller said, “No! We don’t want a writer.”

I’ve worked with (and for) many who would also be shocked by that line. Perlin goes on to reveal much of what I’ve experienced in my evolution from a dyed-in-the-wool, perfectionist technical communicator. The speed of business today means dot releases and pilot programs: Strict adherence and dedication to The Levels of Edit can seem rather silly when you’re actually in the trenches.

“Perfect vs. Good Enough”—Writing Quality in the Online Age from Intercom, December ’09