Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

PoemHunter.com includes works by Neruda, Angelou, Hughes, Silverstein, cummings, Bukowski, Northover, Plath, Whitman, Dickinson, Frost, Poe, Shakespeare, and hundreds more. Currently, the site claims “106,831 poems from 11,602 poets, 39,210 Songs, 1,323 Artists, 64,870 Quotations.” Something for everybody. Fully searchable by author, title, and theme. Rankings are updated in realtime. Try this with a French accent:

PoemHunter.Com aims to spread the effects of poems in the social and individual life of people, where a continuous change is undergoing with the Internet. PoemHunter.Com without a pause, continues its activities with the active participation of thousands of members.