Daniel Brent Patton

Product Content Strategy & UX Writing

In “Total Knowledge Management: Bringing Structure to the Unstructured” Jay Weir (now back at Open Text) wrote in KM World more than 5 years ago:

Today, many organizations are managing each stage of the content lifecycle independently, with disparate processes, systems, repositories and technologies. This results in the following issues:

  • Incomplete, inaccurate and limited information;
  • Time wasted locating the right information;
  • Poor collaboration between groups;
  • Difficulty getting fast access to the full picture;
  • Maintenance of disparate systems;
  • Difficulty keeping systems consistent;
  • Difficulty delivering the right information to the right people;
  • Poor asset management—information is not used to its full potential; and
  • Weak compliance—compliancy with regulatory rules is difficult to ensure.

These issues continue to haunt companies to this day. There’s hope in right people, right process, right technology—and quantifiable $$$ linkage to an organization’s overhead. Why does this continue to be an uphill battle?