by danielbpatton | Jun 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
Content Curation is a term that describes the act of finding, grouping, organizing or sharing the best and most relevant content on a specific issue. It is such a powerful idea because curation does NOT focus on adding more content/noise to the chaotic information...
by danielbpatton | Jun 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
It’s not hard to turn on the information spigot within business through deployed technologies, the challenge is in filtering information to expose it to the right people at the right times and guiding intelligent usage for maximum benefit. There’s tactically a strong...
by danielbpatton | Jun 23, 2011 | Uncategorized
There are three groups of people who cling to the “company as community” concept: the “kumbayeros” who wish that companies were as open and democratic as communities, public community managers whose consumer-facing experience has shaped the way they view all online...
by danielbpatton | Jun 22, 2011 | Uncategorized
Today, many enterprise applications, whether custom developed or commercially available, fall into the trap of trying to be too many things for too many people. By 2020, user-developed business applications will evolve from spreadsheets and simple databases built and...
by danielbpatton | Jun 19, 2011 | Uncategorized
Given the power of our prior beliefs to skew how we respond to new information, one thing is becoming clear: If you want someone to accept new evidence, make sure to present it to them in a context that doesn’t trigger a defensive, emotional reaction. via...
by danielbpatton | Jun 8, 2011 | Uncategorized
IT organizations have 11 major choices today when it comes to technology-assisted communication and collaboration. Some are old and boring, like the phone and fax, while others — like telepresence rooms — make you feel like a Jetson…. IT teams need to assess each...